Pixie Photo Editor
A practical and easy-to-use Android application to apply several filters to an image at once.
## Benefits
* Applying several filters
* Undoing filters one by one
* Maintaining maximum image quality
* Taking photos using camera or choosing from SD-Card
## Image Filters
* Boost-Up Colors
* Brightness
* Color Depth
* Color Filter
* Contrast
* Emboss
* Flip and Rotation
* Gamma
* Gaussian Blur
* Grayscale
* Hue
* Invert
* Noise
* Saturation
* Sepia
* Sharpen
* Sketch
* Tint
* Vignette</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>